History is repeating itself, Will we see it before it's too late?

History has shown us there is no greater threat to the American people than the Fake News Media.

If you study history, look at Nazism. Compare and contrast it to ANTIFA. 
Why does the ANTIFA flag mimic that of the Nazis?
Coincidence? No. It is not a coincidence. It's all the same group.


Do you think ANTIFA was grown organically? No, it wasn't. 
What was the purpose of ANTIFA?
The purpose is to cause chaos, create riots, looting, and destruction. It is to bewilder the people, to create confusion, to infiltrate the protesters. There is a lack of respect for one's opinion, and they attack those who dare to challenge them.
They want to make it seem like the world is on fire because of something that happened. 

Who are the real fascists? ANTIFA. The anti-fascists.Yes, they are the actual fascists.
Who are the real racists? The Democrats. 

Let's take a look back and study Nazism, comparing and contrasting it to ANTIFA. 
 If we go back to Nazi Germany when the Nazi party was first forming, What did they control? They controlled young people. They controlled some of the media, and they were gaining more control of the media.
Adolf Hitler appointed Hermann Goring as minister of the interior of the state of Prussia. 
The first thing Goring did was to prohibit regular uniform police from interfering with the "brown shirts" when they were out in the streets. These "Brown Shirts" were the young individuals out on in the streets, causing havoc, looting, and rioting. These young "Brown Shirts" weren't being stopped by the police. They looted shops, terrorized people, and anyone that was in the wrong place at the wrong time, if they were a problem, they were beaten up. 

Next, Hermann Goring purged the Berlin Police Department. The police department and the police were replaced with the "Brown Shirts" as the "Storm Troopers." The "Storm Troopers" or "Brown Shirts" had the power of actually arresting people now.

 The "Storm Troopers" or the "Brown Shirts" were reorganized in 1925 and assumed their resumed violent ways of intimidating voters in national and local elections. They were used to intimidate voters and to shut down political opponents.

Moving forward, now let's go back and replace "brown shirts" with ANTIFA and what we see today.
 What we see today is that the first thing they did was to prohibit regular uniform police from interfering with ANTIFA out on the streets. These young ANTIFA individuals were allowed by the police to loot shops, terrorize people, and if anyone was in the wrong area at the wrong time, they were beaten up. The police in Democratic cities were instructed to "Stand Down."
 Next, they wanted to purge the police departments. The Progressive left-liberals are out in full force demanding that we "Defund" the police departments, "Disband the police departments," and Abolish the Police.

They want to have the police replaced with ANTIFA or other individuals
that would work with ANTIFA. Were they going to be sworn in with the Constitution to uphold the rights of the people? NO. It is about replacing the police with others who are not constitutionally sworn in. They are not going to follow law and order. They will not follow the Constitution.

These individuals would now have the power to arrest. These individuals now have the ability to intimidate voters, both national and local,  to suppress other political opponents, and this would be the new law of the land. This is what infiltration from within looks like.  We are watching it right now.
History repeats itself. Compare it to what was done back then to now. Exactly what was done back then is happening right in front of our faces. It's following the same pattern, and it's all being done on purpose. 

 Thomas J. Fitton, the President of Judicial Watch, pointed out something significant. Constitution 101- "No city or local government can dismantle their police department without the acquiescence of their state government, and if the state fails to protect its people, the federal government can step in."

 It's funny when people look back and say, "Wow! How come people couldn't see this?" Do you see it? I believe a lot of people are starting to see. Quietly, people may not quite understand what is happening, but they can feel it in their guts and know something is wrong in their hearts.
Once a covert plan has been discovered and made public, it cannot be made operational as they are risk public becoming aware.  By showing the people how history is repeating itself, we can expose the plan. By exposing their plan, they will be forced to call it off. The plan will be scrapped. 

 How do we get back to law and order? We must work together to expose their plan. Help people to see that history is repeating itself right before our very eyes before it's too late.

Antifa by Mika Baumeister is licensed under unsplash.com unsplash.com


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